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TERM 1991-1994

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Report on India visit by the Vice President of WF Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani

At the Triennial Conference of the World Federation held in October 1991, a resolution to Eradicate Poverty in Gujarat was unanimously adopted. In December 1991, the President of the World Federation, Al Haj Mulla Asgar M.M. Jaffer toured India, including Gujarat extensively. During his visit, Mulla Saheb assessed and appraised the situation in Gujarat. The President held discussion with the Office Bearers and Councillors of the Council of Gujarat to review the activities and to discuss the future plans in the light of the World Federation Conference Resolution on Eradication of Poverty in Gujarat. It was agreed that the first 18 months, the World Federation, in collaboration with generous donors from all over the world, should concentrate on the housing needs of our people in Gujarat.

At the instructions of the President, the Vice President, Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani visited Gujarat in February 1992 to gather firsthand information. He was accompanied by Al Haj Gulamabbas Khimji of Nairobi. The details are as follows:


The Vice President had a very fruitful meeting with the members of the Managing Committee of Bhavnagar- President of Bhavnagar Jamaat Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria , Mr. Aunali Salemohamed, the Executive Councillor of World Federation and Alhaj Sajjad Varteji, Honorary Secretary of Bhavnagar Jamaat and other members of the Managing Committee.

He was informed that the plans were finalized to reconstruct Imambara and Madressa Building popularly known as Janab’s House. The reconstruction work is expected to cost in the tune of five million Rupees and will commence as soon as funds are available. The President of Bhavnagar Jamaat Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria has appealed to World Federation for funds and has submitted full plans to World Federation.

Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani also visited the office of the Adarsh Co-operative Credit Society Limited which has been recently revived under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria. The Co-operative Society plays a very important role to provide financial assistance for economic upliftment. Recently they provided loans to thirty youths to purchase Rickshaws at the cost of Rs.40, 000 per Rickshaws. NASIMCO has provided funds to purchase 5 Rickshaws. Still 30 applications for Rickshaws are pending due to funds shortage. It is encouraging to note that repayment so far have been 100% without any defaulters or bad debts.

The Vice President also visited the proposed sight of the Housing Scheme of forty flats in Bhavnagar. The land had already been purchased by Bhavnagar Jamaat with the assistance of donors. The foundation stone for the Housing Scheme was laid by the President of the WF Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India.

The Vice President addressed the meeting of the Businessmen in Bhavnagar which was originally organized by the Interim Chairman of JIBA , Alhaj Anver Rajpar and appealed to the Business Community to join hands with the WF and play important role to eradicate poverty in Gujarat. The Vice President then visited Haji Naji Boarding House in Bhavnagar which was formally opened by the President of the WF Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India. He was informed that it cost Rs. 25000 only to sponsor one child for life time. The Vice President was very much impressed by the activities of Haji Naji Memorial Trust.

The Delegation then visited the Huseini Education and Welfare Society Trust run by dedicated honorary workers of the Jamaat. The present premises are completely run down and it is necessary to have an independent building for the increasing activities. They have over four hundred students under Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme of the World Federation. The Society is doing commendable work


Housing Scheme of thirty six flats is in progress in Talaja. The President of Talaja Jamaat Mr. Amirbhai Bhurani as well as Mr. Gulamabbas bhai Bhurani are taking very keen interest in this project. The Foundation Stone of this Housing Project was laid by the President of WF during his last visit to India.


Under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Aliraza Nanji of Nairobi, the programme of Samuh Lagna for 48 couples took place. Each bride was given the present of seven thousand rupees.

In Mahuva, a full fledged meeting of the Council of Gujarat was convened under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Umedali Merchant (Bhanabhai) to review the activities and to discuss future plans. The Vice President informed the meeting that it was the desire of the World Federation to see that all its activities in Gujarat are channeled through the Council of Gujarat.

The Honorary Secretary of the Council of Gujarat, Haji Hassanalibhai J. Merchant gave an elaborate report on all the activities of the Council of Gujarat. He pointed out that a drought situation was prevailing once again in Gujarat affecting the villages and small towns. Alhaj Umedali Merchant (Bhanabhai) informed the Vice President that so far not a single rupee has been received by the Council of Gujarat from the amount pledged by the donors at the last Conference of WF. The Vice President was very much impressed and satisfied with the activities of the Council of Gujarat.


The Delegation visited the Housing Scheme successfully completed, financed by Haji Mohamed Jaffer Suleman Khaku and known as Suleman Khaku Park consisting of twelve flats of two rooms each. The opening ceremony of these flats was performed by the President of World Federation Alhaj Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India.


The Jamaats Management informed the delegation that the existing Imambara was inadequate due to the ever increasing population. The plans for the extension were passed and the extension is expected to cost Rs. 350,000. They have Rs. 150,000 and appealed for balance Rs. 200,000 for this project. A boundary wall at the Kabrastan is also required which will cost Rs. 150,000. Jamnagar has one of the oldest Boarding House which is closed as it needs facelift. The Vice President in consultation with Office Bearers of Council of Gujarat appointed Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria, the President of Bhavnagar Jamaat, to look into the matter and have the Boarding House operational.

KSI Medical and Welfare Society

Haji Shaukatali Sultanali Mewawala Mewawala and his team of workers are doing a commendable work in the fields of Education, Medical Care and Housing for both Sadats and non Sadats thru KSI Medical and Welfare Society, Bombay.

220 students between the ages of 5-16 years is getting education from the Society. It has treated over 500 T.B. patients. In the outskirts of Bombay and Mumbra they provided 55 flats to our needy Momineen (first Phase). In the second phase the Society provided 32 flats to Momineen and in the third phase 24 flats were provided. The fourth phase of 50 flats is under construction. The Society has a shortfall of two million rupees for the fourth phase. The Vice President was indeed very much impressed with these projects.

Govandi (BOMBAY)

Dr. G. D. Moledina, a representative of Al Safeena Trust, Alhaj Gulamabbas Khimji of Nairobi and the Vice President of WF, Mr. Manzoorali Kanani visited Al Safeena Education Centre where a Balwadi (Kindergarten and Nursery School) is run very effectively and efficiently. The Balwadi has nearly 75 children. They also visited clinic which also provided Primary Health Care Programme.