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(Report - 18th. September 1993)
(Report - 18th. September 1993)
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===Report - 18th. September 1993===
===Report - 18th. September 1993===
#AL MADRASAH: The Islamic Education Board has published the Fourth issue of AL MADRASAH – the quarterly Newsletter for Madrassah Teachers.
#AL MADRASAH: The Islamic Education Board has published the Fourth issue of AL MADRASAH – the quarterly Newsletter for Madrassah Teachers. It is being sent to all teachers of Madressa and any individual or organization who requests it. The response is growing but regret that despite appeals some of the larger Madressa have chosen to ignore it. The requests for details such as address and number of teachers have also been not replied to. Also request have been made to Councillors to ask their respective Madressa to get their teaching methods and Aids more widely known through this Newsletter.
It is being sent to all teachers of Madressa and any individual or organization who requests it. The response is growing but regret that despite appeals some of the larger Madressa have chosen to ignore it. The requests for details such as address and number of teachers have also been not replied to. Also request have been made to Councillors to ask their respective Madressa to get their teaching methods and Aids more widely known through this Newsletter.
#GIRL’S ISLAMIC CAMP: The Annual Girl’s Islamic Camp was organized at Zainabiya Islamic Centre, Milton Keynes from 22nd to 29th August 1993. The Camp activities were conducted by Mrs. Shamim Muslim Bhanji from Dodoma, Tanzania.
#GIRL’S ISLAMIC CAMP: The Annual Girl’s Islamic Camp was organized at Zainabiya Islamic Centre, Milton Keynes from 22nd to 29th August 1993.
#QURAN AWARENESS: To bring more awareness about Quran in the Community. The Board has declared this year 1414 A.H. as Quran Awareness year. Councillors are requested to pursue the matter and ensure that respective Madressa and Jamaats organize Quran Awareness programmes throughout the year.
The Camp activities were conducted by Mrs. Shamim Muslim Bhanji from Dodoma, Tanzania.
#ARABIC LANGUAGE: Every year, the Muslim Institute of London organizes an intensive Arabic Language Course during summer. This year, the Islamic Education Board (I.E.B.) sponsored 11 students (including one Malaysian Shia and Two Bosnian Muslim Ladies) to undertake the Course. The Course was from 5th July to 27thAugust 1993. The I.E.B. of NASIMCO sent four Students to join the course. The cost of their fees, transport and accommodation was borne by the World Federation. Ten more students from our Community in London joined the Course on their own. The I.E.B. arranged for additional coaching for all of them, to supplement the teachings they were having at the Muslim Institute. The Board is grateful to Brother Mustafa Jaffer (M.Sc. in Arabic) for coaching the students. It is proposed to arrange for a follow up course for these students to enable them to be more proficient in Arabic. In co-operation with the Dar es Salam Jamaat, an Arabic Teacher was sent to Dar es Salam where she conducted an intensive three and half week course in Arabic Language. The cost was borne by Dar Jamaat.
#QURAN AWARENESS: To bring more awareness about Quran in the Community. The Board has declared this year 1414 A.H. as Quran Awareness year.
#GUYANA (SOUTH AMERICA): Many Africans in Guyana have accepted Shia faith. Three centers of Shias have been established for Tabligh in three different areas of Guyana. Six students have been selected to study in a Hauza but financial assistance is required for their Airfare. WF has been requested for assistance to meet the air-fare of USD.6000.
Councillors are requested to pursue the matter and ensure that respective Madressa and Jamaats organize Quran Awareness programmes throughout the year.
#RUSSIA: A detailed report on the visit of the Chairman of the Islamic Education Board, Muhsin Jaffer to Russia was issued on 11th. August 1993. There are more than 200,000 Shias in Tatarstan Republic of Russia. They have no knowledge of their faith apart from the fact that they are Shia Muslims. There is a need for urgent action to protect, strengthen and spread further the Shia Islamic Faith in Russia. The head of the Community of Shias in Tatarstan visited London and had a meeting with the Office Bearers of the World Federation. From the report received from him, an Office for Tabligh has already been established and work on construction of a Mosque and Imambada Complex in Kazan (Capital of Tatarstan) has already started.
#ARABIC LANGUAGE: Every year, the Muslim Institute of London organizes an intensive Arabic Language Course during summer.
#MALAYSIA: A book in Malaysian Language Konsep Imamah dan Khilafah Serta Implikasinya memurut Ahlu’s Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah has already been published. Two more books for publication are in pipeline. A Malaysian Shia – a graduate of British University – has shown interest in joining Hauza to be an Aalim. Efforts
This year, the Islamic Education Board (I.E.B.) sponsored 11 students (including one Malaysian Shia and Two Bosnian Muslim Ladies) to undertake the Course. The Course was from 5th July to 27thAugust 1993. The I.E.B. of NASIMCO sent four Students to join the course. The cost of their fees, transport and accommodation was borne by the World Federation.
Ten more students from our Community in London joined the Course on their own. The I.E.B. arranged for additional coaching for all of them, to supplement the teachings they were having at the Muslim Institute. The Board is grateful to Brother Mustafa Jaffer (M.Sc. in Arabic) for coaching the students
It is proposed to arrange for a follow up course for these students to enable them to be more proficient in Arabic.
In co-operation with the Dar es Salam Jamaat, an Arabic Teacher was sent to Dar es Salam where she conducted an intensive three and half week course in Arabic Language. The cost was borne by Dar Jamaat.
#GUYANA (SOUTH AMERICA): Many Africans in Guyana have accepted Shia faith. Three centers of Shias have been established for Tabligh in three different areas of Guyana.
Six students have been selected to study in a Hauza but financial assistance is required for their Airfare. WF has been requested for assistance to meet the air-fare of USD.6000.
#RUSSIA: A detailed report on the visit of the Chairman of the Islamic Education Board, Muhsin Jaffer to Russia was issued on 11th. August 1993.
There are more than 200,000 Shias in Tatarstan Republic of Russia. They have no knowledge of their faith apart from the fact that they are Shia Muslims. There is a need for urgent action to protect, strengthen and spread further the Shia Islamic Faith in Russia.
The head of the Community of Shias in Tatarstan visited London and had a meeting with the Office Bearers of the World Federation.
From the report received from him, an Office for Tabligh has already been established and work on construction of a Mosque and Imambada Complex in Kazan (Capital of Tatarstan) has already started.
#MALAYSIA: A book in Malaysian Language Konsep Imamah dan Khilafah Serta Implikasinya memurut Ahlu’s Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah has already been published. Two more books for publication are in pipeline.
A Malaysian Shia – a graduate of British University – has shown interest in joining Hauza to be an Aalim. Efforts
==Project of WF for 1991-1994==
==Project of WF for 1991-1994==

Revision as of 12:29, 29 May 2019

Report on India visit by the Vice President of WF Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani

At the Triennial Conference of the World Federation held in October 1991, a resolution to Eradicate Poverty in Gujarat was unanimously adopted. In December 1991, the President of the World Federation, Al Haj Mulla Asgar M.M. Jaffer toured India, including Gujarat extensively. During his visit, Mulla Saheb assessed and appraised the situation in Gujarat. The President held discussion with the Office Bearers and Councillors of the Council of Gujarat to review the activities and to discuss the future plans in the light of the World Federation Conference Resolution on Eradication of Poverty in Gujarat. It was agreed that the first 18 months, the World Federation, in collaboration with generous donors from all over the world, should concentrate on the housing needs of our people in Gujarat.

At the instructions of the President, the Vice President, Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani visited Gujarat in February 1992 to gather firsthand information. He was accompanied by Al Haj Gulamabbas Khimji of Nairobi. The details are as follows:


The Vice President had a very fruitful meeting with the members of the Managing Committee of Bhavnagar- President of Bhavnagar Jamaat Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria , Mr. Aunali Salemohamed, the Executive Councillor of World Federation and Alhaj Sajjad Varteji, Honorary Secretary of Bhavnagar Jamaat and other members of the Managing Committee.

He was informed that the plans were finalized to reconstruct Imambara and Madressa Building popularly known as Janab’s House. The reconstruction work is expected to cost in the tune of five million Rupees and will commence as soon as funds are available. The President of Bhavnagar Jamaat Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria has appealed to World Federation for funds and has submitted full plans to World Federation.

Alhaj Manzoorali Kanani also visited the office of the Adarsh Co-operative Credit Society Limited which has been recently revived under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria. The Co-operative Society plays a very important role to provide financial assistance for economic upliftment. Recently they provided loans to thirty youths to purchase Rickshaws at the cost of Rs.40, 000 per Rickshaws. NASIMCO has provided funds to purchase 5 Rickshaws. Still 30 applications for Rickshaws are pending due to funds shortage. It is encouraging to note that repayment so far have been 100% without any defaulters or bad debts.

The Vice President also visited the proposed sight of the Housing Scheme of forty flats in Bhavnagar. The land had already been purchased by Bhavnagar Jamaat with the assistance of donors. The foundation stone for the Housing Scheme was laid by the President of the WF Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India.

The Vice President addressed the meeting of the Businessmen in Bhavnagar which was originally organized by the Interim Chairman of JIBA , Alhaj Anver Rajpar and appealed to the Business Community to join hands with the WF and play important role to eradicate poverty in Gujarat. The Vice President then visited Haji Naji Boarding House in Bhavnagar which was formally opened by the President of the WF Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India. He was informed that it cost Rs. 25000 only to sponsor one child for life time. The Vice President was very much impressed by the activities of Haji Naji Memorial Trust.

The Delegation then visited the Huseini Education and Welfare Society Trust run by dedicated honorary workers of the Jamaat. The present premises are completely run down and it is necessary to have an independent building for the increasing activities. They have over four hundred students under Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme of the World Federation. The Society is doing commendable work


Housing Scheme of thirty six flats is in progress in Talaja. The President of Talaja Jamaat Mr. Amirbhai Bhurani as well as Mr. Gulamabbas bhai Bhurani are taking very keen interest in this project. The Foundation Stone of this Housing Project was laid by the President of WF during his last visit to India.


Under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Aliraza Nanji of Nairobi, the programme of Samuh Lagna for 48 couples took place. Each bride was given the present of seven thousand rupees.

In Mahuva, a full fledged meeting of the Council of Gujarat was convened under the Chairmanship of Alhaj Umedali Merchant (Bhanabhai) to review the activities and to discuss future plans. The Vice President informed the meeting that it was the desire of the World Federation to see that all its activities in Gujarat are channeled through the Council of Gujarat.

The Honorary Secretary of the Council of Gujarat, Haji Hassanalibhai J. Merchant gave an elaborate report on all the activities of the Council of Gujarat. He pointed out that a drought situation was prevailing once again in Gujarat affecting the villages and small towns. Alhaj Umedali Merchant (Bhanabhai) informed the Vice President that so far not a single rupee has been received by the Council of Gujarat from the amount pledged by the donors at the last Conference of WF. The Vice President was very much impressed and satisfied with the activities of the Council of Gujarat.


The Delegation visited the Housing Scheme successfully completed, financed by Haji Mohamed Jaffer Suleman Khaku and known as Suleman Khaku Park consisting of twelve flats of two rooms each. The opening ceremony of these flats was performed by the President of World Federation Alhaj Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) during his last visit to India.


The Jamaats Management informed the delegation that the existing Imambara was inadequate due to the ever increasing population. The plans for the extension were passed and the extension is expected to cost Rs. 350,000. They have Rs. 150,000 and appealed for balance Rs. 200,000 for this project. A boundary wall at the Kabrastan is also required which will cost Rs. 150,000. Jamnagar has one of the oldest Boarding House which is closed as it needs facelift. The Vice President in consultation with Office Bearers of Council of Gujarat appointed Alhaj Ramzanbhai Asaria, the President of Bhavnagar Jamaat, to look into the matter and have the Boarding House operational.

KSI Medical and Welfare Society

Haji Shaukatali Sultanali Mewawala Mewawala and his team of workers are doing a commendable work in the fields of Education, Medical Care and Housing for both Sadats and non Sadats thru KSI Medical and Welfare Society, Bombay.

220 students between the ages of 5-16 years is getting education from the Society. It has treated over 500 T.B. patients. In the outskirts of Bombay and Mumbra they provided 55 flats to our needy Momineen (first Phase). In the second phase the Society provided 32 flats to Momineen and in the third phase 24 flats were provided. The fourth phase of 50 flats is under construction. The Society has a shortfall of two million rupees for the fourth phase. The Vice President was indeed very much impressed with these projects.

Govandi (Bombay)

Dr. G. D. Moledina, a representative of Al Safeena Trust, Alhaj Gulamabbas Khimji of Nairobi and the Vice President of WF, Mr. Manzoorali Kanani visited Al Safeena Education Centre where a Balwadi (Kindergarten and Nursery School) is run very effectively and efficiently. The Balwadi has nearly 75 children. They also visited clinic which also provided Primary Health Care Programme.

Jamaats in Republic of Yemen

On the request of WF (Alhaj Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer), the following report was submitted by Ashakhusein M. Rashid on our Jamaats in Aden, Mukalla, Hodeida and Sana’a, Republic of Yemen:


It’s a well-organized Jamaat managed by a Managing Committee of 9 persons elected in a General Body Meeting held every 2 years. There is a nice Masjid with Imambara facility for Ladies and Gents. Majalis are held every Thursday and on every occasion of Wafats and Wiladat of the Ahlul-Bait a.s. The resident Aalim is Maulana Miraz Taqi who resides Majalis, teaches Masael and Diniyat etc. Madressa-E-Jaffery is another sister institution with a separate Managing Committee but functioning in co-operation with the Jamaat. There are 105 houses with the total of 470 persons.


There are 17 houses and total of 64 persons. It used to be a big Jamaat but people moved to Aden & other places. The Complex has an old Mosque, Imambara and a School building which remains close. At present there is no Aalim and the Mosque remains closed but Azan is heard coming out of Mosque. People are praying in other Sunni Mosque where there is lot of Wahabi influence and getting carried away. There is a pressure from the Sunnis that the Mosque should be handed over to them as our brothers are not using it. Also there is a old feud there and the person controlling the keys to the Mosque is everything as far as the management is concerned. If urgent steps are not taken, we shall lose all the property there.


There are 27 houses with total of 121 persons. There is no Mosque or Imambara due to political reasons, but Majaalis are held in houses. They are lucky to have Alhaj Mahmood bhai Yusuf Abdalla who resides Majaalis and leads Friday and Idd prayers


It’s the Capital of Yemen with 12 houses and 66 persons. Here Majaalis are held occasionally and in Mohharam in the houses.

Propose Widow Residence in France

The situation of some of our widows in France is worrying due to loneliness, solitude, their Domicile far away from Paris area etc. etc. The Management Committee of Mehfil e Zainab, France has a “Solidarity Plan” towards these people.

This Plan consists of finding an “Accommodation” very near to “Mehfil” so that they can take part in all our community and religious activities as Mahe Ramzan, Mohharam and other festivities and get away from Moroseness of their hard situation.

Hence generous donation is sought from all for the project to come to reality.

Islamic Education Board (IEB)

Report - 18th. September 1993

  1. AL MADRASAH: The Islamic Education Board has published the Fourth issue of AL MADRASAH – the quarterly Newsletter for Madrassah Teachers. It is being sent to all teachers of Madressa and any individual or organization who requests it. The response is growing but regret that despite appeals some of the larger Madressa have chosen to ignore it. The requests for details such as address and number of teachers have also been not replied to. Also request have been made to Councillors to ask their respective Madressa to get their teaching methods and Aids more widely known through this Newsletter.
  2. GIRL’S ISLAMIC CAMP: The Annual Girl’s Islamic Camp was organized at Zainabiya Islamic Centre, Milton Keynes from 22nd to 29th August 1993. The Camp activities were conducted by Mrs. Shamim Muslim Bhanji from Dodoma, Tanzania.
  3. QURAN AWARENESS: To bring more awareness about Quran in the Community. The Board has declared this year 1414 A.H. as Quran Awareness year. Councillors are requested to pursue the matter and ensure that respective Madressa and Jamaats organize Quran Awareness programmes throughout the year.
  4. ARABIC LANGUAGE: Every year, the Muslim Institute of London organizes an intensive Arabic Language Course during summer. This year, the Islamic Education Board (I.E.B.) sponsored 11 students (including one Malaysian Shia and Two Bosnian Muslim Ladies) to undertake the Course. The Course was from 5th July to 27thAugust 1993. The I.E.B. of NASIMCO sent four Students to join the course. The cost of their fees, transport and accommodation was borne by the World Federation. Ten more students from our Community in London joined the Course on their own. The I.E.B. arranged for additional coaching for all of them, to supplement the teachings they were having at the Muslim Institute. The Board is grateful to Brother Mustafa Jaffer (M.Sc. in Arabic) for coaching the students. It is proposed to arrange for a follow up course for these students to enable them to be more proficient in Arabic. In co-operation with the Dar es Salam Jamaat, an Arabic Teacher was sent to Dar es Salam where she conducted an intensive three and half week course in Arabic Language. The cost was borne by Dar Jamaat.
  5. GUYANA (SOUTH AMERICA): Many Africans in Guyana have accepted Shia faith. Three centers of Shias have been established for Tabligh in three different areas of Guyana. Six students have been selected to study in a Hauza but financial assistance is required for their Airfare. WF has been requested for assistance to meet the air-fare of USD.6000.
  6. RUSSIA: A detailed report on the visit of the Chairman of the Islamic Education Board, Muhsin Jaffer to Russia was issued on 11th. August 1993. There are more than 200,000 Shias in Tatarstan Republic of Russia. They have no knowledge of their faith apart from the fact that they are Shia Muslims. There is a need for urgent action to protect, strengthen and spread further the Shia Islamic Faith in Russia. The head of the Community of Shias in Tatarstan visited London and had a meeting with the Office Bearers of the World Federation. From the report received from him, an Office for Tabligh has already been established and work on construction of a Mosque and Imambada Complex in Kazan (Capital of Tatarstan) has already started.
  7. MALAYSIA: A book in Malaysian Language Konsep Imamah dan Khilafah Serta Implikasinya memurut Ahlu’s Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah has already been published. Two more books for publication are in pipeline. A Malaysian Shia – a graduate of British University – has shown interest in joining Hauza to be an Aalim. Efforts

Project of WF for 1991-1994

Govandi, Baiganwadi (India)

Following report presented at the Executive Council meeting on 23rd. May 1992

As Dr. Abbas Dost Mohamed Moledina and his wife Fatmabai have immigrated to Canada, restructuring of the Trust and working of the Project had to be undertaken. Prof. Mohamed Husein Merchant has been appointed as Chairman and Managing Trustee. Dr. Amirali M Rehmtulla has been appointed as Trustee. Mr. Asghar Y Salemohamed has been appointed as Executive Advisor.

Dr. Moledina continues to be a “Continuing Trustee and Settler”.

  1. Antenatal Care: A lady MBBS Doctor, Dr. Talreja, attends the ANC clinic once a week. Over 90 ladies are benefiting from this programme.
  2. Uuder Five Care: Programme of weighing of children has been revitalized in such a way that each member of the staff has adopted 5 families to look after, visiting them at regular interval. Deworming and Vitamin A supplement to be given regularly under the supervision of new trustee Dr. Rahmtulla.
  3. Rehabilitation of Polio Victims: 30 Polio afflicted children and adults have been listed, out of which 5 children have been given calipers and boots, 2 have been operated upon and 3 adults have been rehabilitated with a telephone booth. Rest of them would also be treated and rehabilitated.
  4. Education Centre: Three nursery classes are running in the morning with 75 children studying and 50 children attending non formal education classes in the afternoon. 48 of them have already been admitted to nearby Municipal and private schools for the next academic year starting in June. 27 adolescent girls attend classes every day in which they are taught sewing, embroidery, cookery, besides English, Urdu, Hindi and Arithmetic. These girls are now ready to hold an exhibition of the articles prepared by them during these classes. Our Doctor visits the Education Centre once every week to check these children and give appropriate treatment if necessary.

The expenses for the entire project is Rs. 25000 per month.