Hussaini Shia Islamic Centre, Stanmore - UK
All praise and thanks be to Allah (SWT) who made it possible for me to be in the team which started the Husaini Shia Islamic Centre popularly known as “The Stanmore Project”. Alhamdulillah, this Centre which is now complete, is a milestone in the history of Khoja Shia Ithna Asheri Community of London. The foundation for the development of our community in London was laid in 1960s mainly by students from East Africa and it has been a privilege and honour to be associated with its development culminating - as far as I am concerned - to serve as its President from 1983 till to date. I have been involved in this project since its inception in 1984, but as I have often said it is not the lofty sails but the unseen wind that makes the vessel move. One day Insha’allah history when recording greater detail the part played by all those unsung heroes suffice to mention that never in the history of our community has there been so much across the board involvement in a project construction. The rich and the poor, the young and the old, the strong and the feeble, men and women all played their part in making a reality that was for many years a mirage. Financial contribution was very important but equally indispensable was the dedication and enthusiasm shown by all those who came on the site every Sunday to do physical work to prepare the old Imambara in the outer house. The project necessitated my traveling abroad where I was received with courtesy and cooperation. To all Jamaats I visited, in this hour of our glory, we remember your noble contributions. The centre has been built with a view to serve not only London but to act as a magnet attracting all our brothers and sisters from all over the world and serve the religious, social and economic needs. This has been main concept in constructing this complex, fulfillment of which will depend on the vision and commitment of those whom the torch must now pass and on the cooperation of all Mumineen and Muminat. The presidents of the World Federation as Wakils of Ayatollah al Ozma al Seyyid Abul Qassim al Khui have been most cooperative in giving effect to the Ijaza allowing the Jamaat to utilise 100 percent of Sahme Imam (AS) towards construction of the Centre. Our Marj’a (May Allah [SWT} protect him and grant him long and healthy life, Ameen) also took keen interest in the progress being made and always wrote encouraging letters and Duas for the success of the centre for which is very much appreciated. The cost of this project including the purchase price has been around pound sterling four million, I'm glad that we have been able to complete the construction within the figures projected in the fundraising brochures issued in 1987. The Stanmore project is the first of its kind in the Community at large. That we have been able to raise nearly three million pounds within a span of four years speaks volumes for the dedication of those who have been active in the fund collection, of the wealth in the Community and of the generosity of the donors to spend in the way of obtaining pleasure of Allah (SWT), I am confident that members of the Community will continue to donate to pay off the bank overdraft. It is an opportune time to express my gratitude to one and all who supported us in this project - in one way or the other- and seek for forgiveness of Allah (SWT) and all Mumineen and Muminat for any of the shortcomings and mistakes. May Allah (SWT) in His mercy bless the whole community and guide it to serve Him and His cause, Ameen.
Source: Opening Ceremony of Husaini Shia Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore
Souvenir Issue Newsletter - 4th Jamadi ul Akhar 1410/ 2nd December 1989
9th November 2018 / 1st Rabiul Awwal 1440 AH