TERM 1985-1988
Huaze Ilmiya-Birmingham to Stanmore
The Hauza had opened its gates on the 13th of Rajab 1405 in Birmingham with three students. Birmingham Jamaat offered the best cooperation in organizing the opening ceremony at the Imambada where the turnout of the invited guest, Ulema and local Momineen was heartening. In all 4 students had enrolled.
After that the London Jamaat wrote that it would be pleased to make available an appreciable part of the property (in Stanmore) for use if the World Federation agrees to take care of the Hauza.
Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) highlighted the salient points of the offer from London Jamaat, the need for a Hauza, the setup and running of the Hauza.
The Council approved the proposal and requested the Office bearers to form a suitable Committee to finalize arrangements with the London Jamaat.
As an extension of the Hauza, an intensive Dini Course at Stanmore, London with eight overseas students commenced on 26th. June 1985. Seven students are from Zahra Trust, USA, and one from Holland. This is an in-house course.
As per report submitted to Executive Council meeting on 15th. Dec 1985, the Hauza had now been moved to Stanmore from Birmingham. The total expense of the Hauza of Pound Sterling 2000 per month is funded by small donation from the Jamaats and mainly from Sehme Imam.
A sum of Pound Sterling 5000 was donated by one individual and Haji Mustafa Gokal sponsored one student for one year at the cost of Pound Sterling 2500.
Syed Jalal Faqih Imani (Ayatollah Syed El Khui Wakil & son-in-law) had visited the Hauza and a message from Agha to further develop the Hauza.
Islamic Education Board (I.E.B.)
At the Executive Council meeting held on 8th. July 1984 at Birmingham, the Chairman of the I.E.B reported as follows:
- Hajj Booklet completed and distributed
- Salaat book was in the final stages of preparation
- Shia Academy was holding classes in 3 parts of London
- The Basic correspondence course on Islam has been temporarily suspended
- Video Cassette on Salaat was in the final stages of preparation
- The Council has a preview of the matter completed so far.
The Council recommended that as the I.E.B had done little in terms of coordination of Madrassas apart from issuing syllabus, a special effort to be put in to activate I.E.B. Sub Committees as per its original terms of reference and assist the running and formation of Madrassas under Jamaats.
Further at the Executive Council meeting held on 15th. Dec 1985 at Stanmore, Mulla Asgar (Asghar Ali M.M Jaffer) briefed the Council on the activities of the I.E.B.
1. The following five members have been nominated to serve on I.E.B:
- Dr. Hasnain Walji
- Mr. Mohsin Haji Ali
- Yusuf Sabur
- Abdulhusein Akbar
- Mahmood Hooda
2. A publication to cater for the report on the activities of Madrassa all over the world, named AL MADRASSAH had been initiated and the first issue had already been circulated.
3. Video Cassette on Salaat is ready for circulation. The current priority of the I.E.B would be Suitable Textbooks for Madrassa, Teachers Training Seminars and Workshops.
4. Copies of the Bilal Trust talk show on Radio Tanzania would be circulated as soon as received by I.E.B.
5. Mr. Mahmood Hooda informed about a Youth Seminar to be held at Peterborough over the Christmas Holidays and the Jamaats should send Youths to this Seminar.
It was also recommended that in future, if possible, all Seminars should be held with the coordination of I.E.B to give wider coverage.
Tahrike Tarsile Quran (T.T.Q)
This Organisation is currently involved in distributing the Holy Quran and other books on a worldwide basis. Brother Aunali Khalfan, the Organizer and Founder of T.T.Q briefed the Council on its activities.
The Council felt that while it could not recommend any financial commitment at this stage, the World Federation ought to assist the Tahrike Tarsile by buying and distributing the Books.
Youth Group
On the directive of the Executive Council, the Secretary General contacted the respective Jamaats with a view to form an active Youth Group for U.K. Written proposals to form such a body had been presented at a Sports gathering in Peterborough to all the participants. The London Jamaat had agreed to convene a meeting to form this Youth Body.
Further Mr. Sibtain Panjwani presented a draft proposal in the form of a paper enlisting the terms of reference for the operation of the Youth Body.
After deliberation and several recommendations, the Council approved the paper in principal. The finer details of the actual operation would be finalised by the Office bearers.
Aalim Grant - Sub Committee
Application for Aalim grants were received from various Jamaats and more were anticipated.
Apart from the normal requirement of the Jamaat to submit their accounts so as to justify the need, the Secretary required further guidance on certain delicate issued while considering the application.
There had been instance where the Jamaat financial conditions entitle them for grant, but the Aalim may not be entitled for several reasons. It was becoming increasingly difficult to convey such information without hurting the feelings of the Aalim concerned.
The Executive Council resolved that a subcommittee be formed to look into the ways and means of solving the problems of Grants and Recruitment.
The following were nominated to serve on the subcommittee:
1. Yusuf Sabur - Leicester 2. Mohsin G Ladak - Leeds 3. Kassamali Somani - Birmingham 4. Rafiq Hussein Shah - Watford 5. Mohsin Kassam - Essex
Gujarat Federation
At the Executive Council meeting on 20th. April 1986, Mr. Hasnain Walji presented the report on the current state of affairs of Gujarat Federation.
The unfortunate incidents related to Gujarat Federation have paralyzed most of the activities of World Federation in India. The voluntary workers who had devoted their time and money have all resigned, with no intention to serve any further.
Ever since its establishment 1979, certain Jamaats opposed it formation and remained aloof from it, refusing to become its members.
The field of work charted out for Gujarat Federation was:
- Zainabiya Chile Sponsorship Scheme with more than 600 students of Sadat & Non Sadats sponsored under the Scheme.
- Medical Assistance
- Monthly Assistance to the needy.
- Housing Projects
- Samuh Lagna
- Assistance to Capital Projects like Mosque, Imambara, Madrassa etc.
As is the case with any Organisation, it was not possible to satisfy all the applicants who came for assistance. As such there was an aggrieved element with the society, which gathered strength gradually as their number grew.
Dr. Kapasi, Umedali Bhanabhai and Haji Gulamali Bhanji were defamed. World Federation was reported to the authorities who impounded the Account Books. A criminal case was registered with the express order by the court that the World Federation must NOT cease to function and the Office bearers must continue in the Office. This paradox, displaying distrust coupled with an insistence upon the distrusted to continue in the office, cannot be explained.
At World Federation level it was decided not to answer the pamphlets and allow the dust to settle before taking any steps.
The efforts of Haji Haiderbhai Haji, Haji Gulamali Bhanji and others directed towards getting the case withdrawn. It was advised that the case would be withdrawn and all the confiscated papers would be handed back. This does not in any way mean that the Gujarat Federation will resume work. The consensus in Gujarat is that the Gujarat Federation must be wound up. Haji Haider Bhai Haji also supports this as there is now a need to replace Gujarat Federation with a Trust which should be responsible to the World Federation and not any Jamaat in India.
At present activities in India are at a standstill, except the Madressa Grant which is being distributed through Masoomeen Trust, Bombay and certain projects of K.S.I. Medical and Welfare Society, Bombay
The Court case against Gujarat Federation has not been withdrawn as promised by the party who had filed the case. Hence Gujarat Federation has ceased to function.
A new team has agreed to serve the Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme which will take some time to complete the legal formalities.
It must be noted that World Federation in its independent way has not stopped the assistance to the needy Shia Community of Sadat and non Sadat in India. During every visit of the President and other representatives, many families and religious projects have been assisted.