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Latest revision as of 20:18, 26 May 2014

Supreme Council 2014

The Forum

This Session held on Friday 2nd May 2014 was attended by large number of Councillors and Invitees from several Jamaats of the Africa Federation and some from overseas.

The Forum composed of presentation of three Papers, Question and Answer Session on the Papers presented followed by Workshops that came up with recommendations which were presented at the 75th Supreme Council Session on the following day.

Papers presented

Vision to the Future - Creating Sustainable Development by Alhaj Murtaza Nasser from Dar-es-Salaam.

Preparing for our future generation - Volunteerism, Diversity and Inclusion by Alhaj Mujtaba Datoo from United States of America

The Current Global Challenges & Religious Tensions by Alhaj Murtaza Jaffer from Arusha

At the Workshop, participants had to critically examine and analyze various scenarios and come up with two top most challenges per paper. The participants were split into six groups with each group focusing on one challenge and to bring up two recommendations which were to be presented at the 75th Supreme Council Session.

The recommendations from the groups were presented at the Supreme Council Session, and were deliberated by the Councillors; it was a step forward to start working decisively on them. Since some of the challenges were affecting the community globally, the Secretariat took up the matter with the World Federation who will work in partnership with the Regional Federations to ensure appropriate and swift action are taken on the recommendations, that are of a global nature, the rest will be for the Africa Federation.

Opening Night

The Formal Opening of the Supreme Council Session was held on Friday night with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an by Br. Maisam Versi followed by opening address delivered by the Convenor of the Organizing Committee, Br. Farhan Yusuf who also introduced his team of volunteers comprised of youth of Dar es Salaam Jamaat.

The President of Dar-es-Salaam Jamaat, Alhaj Shiraz Walji, then gave his welcome address which was followed by a Keynote address from the Chairman of the Africa Federation, Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi, thereafter and the President of the World Federation Alhaj Dr. Asgarali Moledina addressed the august body.

Alhaj Navazaly Molou, Chairman of Conseil Régional Des Khojas Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamates De L.Océan Indien (CROI) and Alhaj Amine Nassor Chairman of the Union Des Associations Khodjas Shia Isnashri De La Reunion (UAKSIR) delivered their addresses and a brief report of the activities carried out by their respective Territorial Councils in Madagascar and Reunion Islands.

Recognition of outstanding services to Afed

The Chairman, Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi presented Murrabi Ebrahimbhai Kassam with the Chairman’s Appreciation Award for his long, dedicated and selfless services to the Federation of KSI Jamaats of Africa. The presentation to the long serving AFED Trustee of Uganda raised deep emotions as Murrabi Ebrahimbhai expressed his gratitude for the recognition by the Africa Federation and thanked the august body for the honour.

Similarly, Presidential Awards were presented to the three Forum Presenters in recognition of their outstanding and invaluable services, dedication and commitment to the development of Africa Federation. They are: Alhaj Murtaza Bashir Nasser, Alhaj Murtaza Hassan Ali M. Jaffer and Alhaj Mujtaba Hussein Datoo.

75th Supreme Council Session

The Session Agenda included the presentation and adoption of the Accounts, Minutes, Resolutions and the Board Reports for the year.

The Terms of Reference for the renamed Economic and Housing Development Board were adopted by the Session.

The Secretariat and the Boards presented reports for the year May 2013 – March 2014. Questions from the Councillors were responded by the presenters. Similarly, comments and recommendations were taken down.

Details of the reports were sent out electronically to the Councillors and each participant was provided with a folder containing the annual reports, as under:- Secretariat and Economic Development – Aunali Khalfan Archives Section - Hussein Datoo Capacity Building Group (CBG) – Sameer Kermalli Recommendations from the Forum – Kumail Manji Audited Accounts, Budgets and Trust Board Report – Mohamed Hemani Tabligh Board (AFTAB) – Seyed Hassan Naqvi Women’s Board – Sister Fatim Somji Sports Council – Mahmood Somji Education Board (EB) and MAMAS – Samir Habib Central Health Board (CHB) – Farhan Yusuf Central Bilal Board (CBB) – Mohsin A. Lalji Regional Bilal Muslim Missions – Mujtaba Peera/Mumtazhussein Alloo/Inayat Alidina Africa Youth Network (AYN) – Muntazir Meghji Editorial Board – Shakeel Sheriff. The Councillors also deliberated on the Resolutions presented by the Regional Federation to the World Federation for presentation at the World Federation Conference.

Courtesy: Afed newswire